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雲, 在, the, 天空


公司源起成立於1992年草創期創辦人陳文煌先生(Mr. Chen Wen-huang)胼手胝足創立瑋璁(Wei-Tsung)企業社,始起原料引導白鐵不銹鋼產業發展漁勾及其漁具產品擴大漁具海內外市場,以利台灣企業社開始營運。直至2018年因業務擴展需要而增設公司為「廣鑫源有限公司」經過長時間不斷的淬煉、成長,也蛻變成現今歷史最久的最漁具漁勾事業。目前廣鑫源公司為陳威璁先生( Mr. Chen Wei-Tsung)擔任負責人,由年輕一輩接手,並一直秉持著不斷地精進創新、產品價值提升、研發與創造更優質的服務為目標。


廣鑫源公司為研發LED燈海上漁具用品,多次開發不計成本與日本製造商團隊與多年經驗台灣海上團隊漁業公司討論研發,更無數次與有多年經驗的船長溝通研發,並一同於第一線實際測試。服務範圍從自有品牌——WILUX LED CORP到OEM、ODM並行,並自我要求從單一品項到多元產品,都能夠滿足顧客的需求。

The company was founded in 1992 when Mr. Chen Wen-huang, the founder of the company, founded WeiTsung Enterprise Co., Ltd., which started with raw materials and guided the development of the tin stainless steel industry. Fishing hooks and fishing gear products expanded the domestic and overseas markets of fishing gear to benefit Taiwan. The enterprise society started operations. Until 2018, due to business expansion needs, a company was added as "WINLUX LED CORP.". After a long period of continuous tempering and growth, it has also transformed into the longest-running fishing gear and fishing hook business today. Currently Winlux Led Corp. is headed by Mr. Chen Wei-Tsung, who has been taken over by a younger generation, and has been adhering to the goal of continuous improvement of innovation, product value enhancement, research and development and creating better services.


In order to develop LED light offshore fishing gear supplies, Winlux Led Corp. has repeatedly developed and discussed research and development with Japanese manufacturer teams and Taiwanese offshore fishing companies with many years of experience regardless of cost. It has also communicated with captains with many years of experience countless times on research and development, and worked together on the front line. practical testing. The service scope ranges from its own brand - WILUX LED CORP. to OEM and ODM in parallel, and its self-requirements range from single items to multiple products to meet customer needs.

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